Auteur: NVWV
Programma NVWV bijeenkomst 171: Graslandkompas; geef richting aan graslandbeheer!
Programma NVWV bijeenkomst 171: Graslandkompas; geef richting aan graslandbeheer!
De rol van grasland in een toekomst met minder herkauwers – 173e themadag NVWV
Kruidenrijk gras
Auteur: Anne van Doorn
Opportunities for high-resolution remote sensing to monitor grasslands
Auteur: Lammert Kooistra
Opportunities for high-resolution remote sensing to monitor grasslandsRead More
Perspectives of predicting grass growth by modelling and measuring grass yield
Precision crop phenotyping using drones: experiences at ILVO
Auteur: Peter Lootens
Precision crop phenotyping using drones: experiences at ILVORead More
Monitoring grassland growth dynamics using Leaf Area Index from Sentinel-2 data
Auteur: Klingler A.1 , Schaumberger A.1 , Vuolo F.2 and Poetsch E.1 It was a great pleasure to be a part of the workshop “Precision farming – using new technologies to optimise grassland systems” at Kleve. I was impressed by the high scientific level of the presentations and the fruitful discussions. The wide range of research …
Monitoring grassland growth dynamics using Leaf Area Index from Sentinel-2 dataRead More
Precision fertilization on grassland(?)
Auteur: Koen van Boheemen