Bijeenkomst: EGF2015
Auteur: De Wit J., Rietberg P. and Van Eekeren N.
ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8
Jaar van uitgifte: 2015
Producttype: Paper
Inclusion of red clover (Trifolium pratense) in grasslands improves productivity. However, poor persistence, particularly under high fertilization rates, is a major limitation for wider utilization. Earlier observations indicated that the type of grass may influence the grass-clover balance, besides, e.g. cutting strategy. In a field experiment we investigated clover proportions and production of five different grass mixtures in combination with red and white clover (T. repens): (1) Lolium perenne; (2) L. boucheanum + L. perenne; (3) Festulolium + L. perenne + L. boucheanum + Phleum pratense subsp. pratense; (4) L. perenne + Festulolium; (5) Festuca arundinacea + P. pratense. The experiment was carried out for three years at two locations (sandy and clay soil) at high fertilization levels (254 and 306 kg N-total ha‑1 year‑1 from animal manure). Results indicate that red clover can be relatively persistent, with an average of 43% red clover in the DM-production in both the second and third year. Mixtures containing L. boucheanum showed significantly lower clover proportions. Protein production per hectare was strongly and positively related to the red clover proportion in the sward. These results show that grass species influence the productivity and clover proportions in grass-clover swards. The best performing mixtures under the given conditions include Festulolium or F. arundinacea.
red clover
Botanical composition of clover-grass silages affects milk yield in dairy cows
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015
Auteur: Røjen B.A. and Kristensen N.B.
ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8
Jaar van uitgifte: 2015
Producttype: Paper
The botanical composition of clover-grass silage is said to affect nutritive value and nutrient degradation kinetics. But does the production response of the cow reflect the standard chemical analysis which underlies the determination of feed value, and the morphological differences between grasses and clover? This study aims to investigate the effect of clover-grass silages differing in botanical composition on feed intake and milk yield. A 4×4 Latin square was carried out with first-cut 2013 silages under controlled conditions. Silage based on perennial ryegrass with white clover gave the highest intake and energycorrected milk (ECM) yield together with a tall fescue-based silage. The latter was surprising, given the general lower organic matter digestibility of tall fescue. Silage based on perennial and hybrid ryegrass with red and white clover produced the lowest intake and ECM. Unexpectedly, the measured variable which correlated best with the results was the content of red clover in the silages: intake and ECM decreased linearly with increasing content of red clover. This may, however, be confounded with effects of grass varieties among treatments. Results indicate that intake and production response may not be described solely by a standard chemical analysis of the silage, and that botanical effects have an effect on the cows.