Bijeenkomst: EGF2015
Auteur: Samuil C., Muntianu I.C., Popovici C.I., Stavarache M. and Vintu V.
ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8
Jaar van uitgifte: 2015
Producttype: Paper
The current tendency is for intensification of livestock farming, pursuing continuous improvement of quantitative and qualitative performance of products. Intensification of meadows can be achieved through the use of valuable species, highly productive varieties of perennial grasses and legumes, by cultivating perennial grasses and legumes in mixtures and by proper management of meadows. Unlike pure cultures, mixing alfalfa with orchard grass provides a more balanced energy-protein feed, while providing the opportunity of ensiling alfalfa in good condition due to the contribution of soluble carbohydrates provided by the orchard grass. The purpose of this research was the capitalization of pure-crop alfalfa and mixed crop of alfalfa with orchard grass as succulent fodder packed in bales. Objectives and activities are represented by quantifying the quantitative elements which express the quantitative value, as well as the elements which express the qualitative value of fodder. The highest average yields achieved over three years, for all three mixtures tested, were obtained by fertilizing with N100P50 kg ha‑1. The quality of the fodder was influenced by the proportions of the two species in the mixture and by the level of fertilisation.
Increasing the resource efficiency of permanent grassland: outcomes of an EIP-AGRI Focus Group
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015
Auteur: Hopkins A., Bailey J., Reheul D., Brandsma J., Pehrson I., Mosquera-Losada M.R. and Crespo D.G.
ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8
Jaar van uitgifte: 2015
Producttype: Paper
This paper summarizes outcomes of a focus group that examined resource-use efficiency of permanent grassland in the context of profitable utilization, taking account of trade-offs needed to deliver other ecosystem services. Resource efficiency is considered at the levels of (1) improved herbage production and quality; (2) improved herbage utilization; (3) improved livestock utilization to deliver higher product value; and (4) resource efficiency to improve ecosystem services. A range of farm-scale and system-scale measures and innovative actions are identified that have potential for realizing improved resource-use efficiencies.
Forage pea yield after application of different rates of pig and cattle manure
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015
Auteur: Mosquera-Losada M.R., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Ferreiro-Domínguez N.
ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8
Jaar van uitgifte: 2015
Producttype: Paper
Animal production should be mostly based on farm resources as this reduces animal product costs. Forage legumes like peas are adequate for fulfilling part of the animals’ protein needs. Fertiliser prices have also added to high input costs for farmers in recent years, and this make the use of manures produced on farms more important. This study aims at evaluating the effect of two different rates of pig and beef cattle manure on forage pea yield, compared with the traditional mineral fertiliser used in the area. An analysis of the manures was carried out showing that pig manure has a higher level of nutrients than cattle manure. Both manures resulted in a higher seed yield than was obtained by using mineral fertiliser.
White clover content and grassland productivity in simulated grazing systems
Bijeenkomst: EGF2015
Auteur: Van Eekeren N., Hoogsteen M., Deru J., De Wit J. and Lantinga E.
ISBN: 978-9090-289-61-8
Jaar van uitgifte: 2015
Producttype: Paper
Maintaining white clover (Trifolium repens) content in grasslands is a challenge for high output ecoefficient dairy farms on mineral soils that use biological N-fixation as a relevant source of N-input. Lower cutting height and cutting at an early growth stage have positive effects on the white clover content in grass-clover mixtures in mowing systems. Our objective was to quantify the effect of three grazing systems (rotational, continuous and lenient strip stocking) on clover content and dry matter production. Grazing was simulated with a Haldrup grass harvester and dried cattle manure pellets were applied to resemble the organic matter input from grazing cattle (50 kg N ha‑1 yr‑1). The experiment was established on sandy soil in 2011 in four replicates in sown grass-clover. Average clover content measured in June and October 2014 was lowest for lenient strip stocking and highest for continuous stocking. This resulted in 2014 in the highest grassland dry matter production for continuous stocking (15.0 Mg DM ha‑1) and the lowest for lenient strip stocking (6.9 Mg dry matter (DM) ha‑1). Rotational stocking occupied an intermediate position (11.9 Mg DM ha‑1).